© Vaal Stereo 2021 - 2025 **Last updated 2025-03-27 - 21:30** Designed and hosted by Prime Marketing ®
Stem hier vir ons weeklikse TOP 20 This is where you can vote for our weekly TOP 20
Broadcasting around the globe * Ons saai uit, wêreldwyd!
Tel: +27 87 238 2200 - info@vaalstereo.co.za
Hierdie week op die TOP 20 R & B waarvoor jy kan stem vir Donderdag! This week on the Top 20 R & B for which you can vote for Thursday!
SERTIFIKATE Direkteure / Directors: JJ Coetzee, C Coetzee, M Kent  Reg. No: 2022/257754/07 ‘n Divisie van / A division of AAMSA Productions (PTY) Ltd  As jy wil deel word van ons Whatsapp groep vir die TOP 20 kan jy hier gaan kliek! / If you would like to become part of our TOP 20 Whatsapp group, you may click and join here!
© Vaal Stereo 2021-2025 **Last updated 2025-03-27 - 21:30** Designed and hosted by Prime Marketing ®
Hierdie week op die TOP 20 R & B waarvoor jy kan stem vir Donderdag! This week on the TOP 20 R & B for which you can vote for Thursday!
Broadcasting around the globe * Ons saai uit, wêreldwyd!
Tel: +27 87 238 2200 - info@vaalstereo.co.za
Stem hier vir ons weeklikse TOP 20 This is where you can vote for our weekly TOP 20